
code android

Month: July, 2014

ARM System Image and a Virtual Device



Start Android SDK Manager

# android

Press Deselect All, and then select just ARM EABI v7a System Image from the sufficient API levels and Extras > Android Support Library


After that start Eclipse and go to Window > Android Virtual Device Manager
and create a new device…  we can run the created emulator anytime from this AVD Manager window (Start)

First steps in Arch



Install from AUR:  Android-SDK, Android-SDK-platform-tools, Android-SDK-build tools
then install some Android-platform-## (from AUR too)

$ curl -O
$ tar xzvf android-sdk.tar.gz
$ makepkg -s
# pacman -U android-sdk-r23.0.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz



Install Eclipse from official repo

# pacman -S eclipse


Install ADT-plugin (in Eclipse)

Help > Install New Software


Next, next, finish


Install Oracle JDK 7



My personal bin/ folder had added to my $PATH variable, so
$ vim ~/bin/javawrapper
  #! /bin/bash
  # javawrapper – replace Java for a command
  export JAVA_HOME=$1; shift

$ chown +x ~/bin/javawrapper


Now I can start IDE with

$ javawrapper /opt/java7 eclipse 


SDK location:
